
Announcing the winners of ObieGame’13: Title Never Agreed Upon by the Planners!

  1. Teen Titanz [only team to solve Deep Throat’s riddles; bonus points for talking back to Boyd during the endgame]
  2. The Troublemakers [Second team invited to endgame; bonus for wreaking such havoc during Sim3 (we had to give them credit for it – we never specifically outlawed such actions)]
  3. Dove Party [bonus for having a team member willing to sacrifice themselves to save their team in endgame. We wrote you guys a movie for endgame, you scripted a scene we’d only hoped for.]
  4. Revengeance [Y’all did awesome, seniors, and we’re looking forward to the documentary!]

Prizes were sent to OCMR’s on Saturday the 11th. Congratulations to you all, and we’re glad you all seemed to have as much fun as we did.

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