We’ve been getting this question so we’ll answer it here – your team has to be registered by tomorrow at midnight. But you can add players over the weekend if need be.
We’ve been getting this question so we’ll answer it here – your team has to be registered by tomorrow at midnight. But you can add players over the weekend if need be.
It’s heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere! Registration for OG’10 is open now through 11:59pm, Friday April 23.
Registration will open after Spring Break. Meanwhile, we could use spies, actors, sneaky folk, and spare hands – get in touch if you’re interested.
The slips of paper in the mailroom were not from us so you haven’t missed anything. Honestly. Gameplay won’t start until sometime after the captains hear from us. Sorry for the delay (although for the record we’ve NEVER started the day after registration closes…)
Captains should expect an email by the end of the weekend, once we’ve sorted through registrations. Good luck to everyone.