Registration is open through the 16th. Questions?
“Can I play?” If you’re a currently registered Oberlin student — whether on campus, off campus, on leave, or a junior — yes. Otherwise, no.
“What’s it like this year?” Two weeks with various elimination points and emphasis on story over puzzles. Don’t get us wrong, though. There will be puzzles.
“Can I play remotely?” Yes, though there’s a richer experience if you’re actually on campus. Don’t worry, everything is completely social distanced and ObieSafe.
“If I play now, do I have to play in spring?” Nope. They’re entirely separate games. Live your dreams, so long as your dreams are ‘play ObieGame’ or ‘don’t play ObieGame.’ Anything else, we can’t help you with.
“What are all the puzzle answers?” Nice try.